ABOUT salopianeditions
you'll find there's nothing for sale here: the site is strictly non-commercial. You won't need to disclose any of your personal information other than the usual coded stuff we unwittingly divulge by engaging with the internet.
In fact, this website is intended to be used by people who read. It's the successor to shropshireladeditions, launched in 2005, to publish the memoir Talking to Myself which was unlikely to be produced in book form. The site remained online for about five years, and attracted the accidental notice of a number of unexpected but welcome readers, led to it by search engines during their varied and disparate researches.
Salopianeditions has the same fundamental objective but will range more widely to share more work in writing and photography. The following brief notes explain what you're likely to find in each section when you click on a navigation button.
The book Talking to Myself (about 100,000 words), a series of impressions based on the first twelve years of my life, living in Shrewsbury, Shropshire. The book is written in several different styles and formats rather than a single narrative voice.
A collection of the letters to his local newspaper written by West Norfolk resident J. P. Sigley over a period of twenty years.
Short stories and autobiographical pieces. There will be additions here periodically.
Reports and reflections on significant recent travel experiences
Photographs of a wide range of subjects, many depicting aspects of locations in Britain and abroad.
Get it right in black and white
For reliable professional services:
copy editing and/or proof reading,
publication design and preparation,
reports and newsletters, audiobook
proofing and Spanish to English
translation, make sure you visit